Charlo con una IA o con gente por una pantalla. Mi reloj tiene hora en varios husos temporales. Un águila vuela sobre las montañas, las campanas de las vacas sorprendidas. Subo por la montaña jadeando. El futuro es ahora.
Despistado y perdido, Ulises mira su mapa...
miércoles, septiembre 27, 2023
sábado, diciembre 03, 2022
domingo, febrero 27, 2022
martes, julio 20, 2021
I was looking at photos of the small Castilian village where my father was born. He happily worked in another small village until I was three or so. We moved to a city at my mother's insistence, for our education.
Many years after, he told us stories about the time when he helped a man who could not afford to pay the vet to treat his pig, who had what sounds to me like sepsis, or the neighbour who could not repair a metal barrel.
At times I stop and think about my life, noting how in a way, it mirrors my father's. I don't see myself giving penicillin to a pig anytime soon though.
viernes, julio 02, 2021
sábado, junio 19, 2021
Endings are bittersweet. Looking at the sky, my head on my backpack on the grass, people around me. I did not feel well and thought, "I can't die in this foreign land, among strangers." Twenty five years is a long time, filled with the good and the bad. I am listening to Luis de Milán's "Fantasía número 3". The vihuela is such an old intimate Spanish instrument. My heart left years ago, my body is just following.
viernes, noviembre 16, 2018
sábado, septiembre 01, 2018
Noche. Mi bici eléctrica duerme al lado del radiador soñando que es una mountain bike.